Thursday, April 22, 2010

Practicing the Law of Attraction

I am reading this book for lunch and run about the Creative Process: It says that there are 3 simple steps: Ask Believe and Receive.

His example is something that I can relate…how to be in my perfect weight. I learned from my past readings that on whatever we focus it grows. Thus it was said in the book of “The Secret” that when you focus on loosing weight, you are at the negative side but when you focus is on your perfect way, you are attracting the positive and your true goal. For this, I will practice the Law of Attraction.


My perfect weight is at around 100 lbs. In that perfect weight, I can eat anything that I want and still be at my perfect weight. My body adjusts to my food intakes. In my perfect weight I am energetic to do things; I have fun dressing up myself. I love fashion and in my perfect weight I can wear all the dress\attire I want. It all fits me well. I love dressing up because the dress loves me. I have a perfect shape, tiny waist, skinny legs and arms. My abs, arms and thighs are toned right to exude that sexiness in me. I have a small face that is right for my frame. I am in my perfect weight and will always be thankful to it.


You can also try this, it will be fun. Told me of your story my friend.

2 comments: said...

Oooooh Love that!!!! Laws of Attraction!!!! :))

Following your blog now, worth the read!!!

♥ LHEY :))

Mafe said...

Thanks Lhey... I am into a business community where learning and practice of law of attraction and other related stuff such as law of connection and other leadership skills are offered. You may want to check our website, I hope you found the empowerment in our site.