Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Hope is essential for survival

I follow Bo’s blogs and his topic today is about Hope. I have been through some good Fridays in my life, a lot of people judged my character; they did not understood where I am coming. I almost gave up my passion but my love for them is stronger that I withstand the pain. I saw my break through just these recent, when I noticed that they were inspired by my love and support. At the start of my career in my team, I started confused with my role in the team. I hang on and do the tasks given to me. Time came when I am doing the things that I really loved and it’s not work anymore. It’s having another family for me. What I really need come before me. The Lord prepared everything for me.


Today I am in a crossroads, I am always confused but I am thankful to my supportive mom that she always reminds me of what is right and what is due. I am positive that soon I can reap the fruits of my labor. The community where I am actively participating now, they taught me to dream again, they gave me hope and a vehicle to attain my dreams. I know that I can do this and that I can be successful. You will see my progress each day as I update my records.


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