Thursday, March 23, 2006

if someone can read this....

at last i have been able to log in again...i actually forgot my username and password....anyway...updates on me.....i am single again....waaah! not being bitter but i really felt sorry for things that i happen..even myself do not know or understand the reason why this things happen...he says that i should move on...but i completely understand that the relationship is over however, i came to realize that i do not want to loose the many people came into my life but i only let a few to know the real see my miseries and weaknesses but by one they left me...i dont want to mention names but i really miss the them and the last close guy friend that i have is him...he is that important..iam thankful that he too do not want to loose the friendship...but do i really accept the fact that were over? i think not....haha! some may think i am crazy, especially when i mention that were over yet were friends...afterall it still put a smile on my face...of course, we remain special to each can never be erased...all the things that we went through cannot be covered by anybody...