Sunday, April 25, 2010

Its my Choice to Play and Win the Money game

I've been in the warrior camp for the last 3 days and I missed my blogsite. It was a very good experience for me. Eye opening and humbling. I've been with CA2020 community since January. At first, I though it will just be easy as always. After almost 4 months with no results and for some things that happened. I was forced to think of my futuere plan. Even on a years time only. My first decision is to be successful in both my Work and CA whatever it takes, quitiing is not an option. But later today, I realized that this decision applies only for a short period. While my organization is still managable, I can but time will come when I will left my employment to give my full time for my business and make it successful. I found new friends as well and after a year we wil be celebrating our business success in CWC at Caramoan. I am excited for this. I also found the key for success and it is for our vision, 1st world Philippines. With this break throughs I am very well committed to attain this goal. I am ready for the challenges ahead and is sure that everything is possible, As long as i Focus on it and I am clear of the things that I want.

Please visit our site, Sign up as my invite, Mafe Pastorpide. Please give me feedback so that I can assist you in the website.

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