Wednesday, April 21, 2010

my growing self

My day started good. woke up from a good night sleep but still sleepy and cuddle for around an hour. As I dressed up, I saw my new dress, I was saving it for some special event but decide to wear it still. It makes me feel good and more confident. My day is full of meeting and Ive got lot of praises for my attire. It gives me a realization that indeed I must improve myself with the way I present myself. It has always been the 1st impresion. It can build or break rapport and in business it is very important to build relationship. Knowing this, I will start to look better day by day. By improving my self, my business will improve because the world is a reflection of myself. Starting today, I will acknowledge my daily learnings and blessings received and update you of the changes happening to me....

I will start with Carl, for sharing his learnings in our discussion this afternoon. It helps me watch my responses. Lav, for sharing her business strategy, I will try it and hopefully find results. To Jeff, for allowing me to share my knowledge and for him sharing his ideas too. To Flow, for mentoring me since the day I joined "the community". To my mom, for checking out the itinerary for our borawan trip. To Leny for my free cheese bread and to sheng for my free ripe mango. To chevron team for a good lunch in your area. To Sarah, for her encouragement for the upcoming camp.

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