Monday, February 27, 2012

Live up the High standards

It is not going to be easy to live up to the high standard Jesus sets for us, but if we lower the standards and settle for second-best, what we are doing is giving in to sin and mediocrity. Let us seek the higher calling and embrace the cost of discipleship as it will bring us to the gift of eternal life.

Yesterday, I met a new friend who inspired me to continue my service in my organization. It is really in my heart to be of service to my dear MITSCA family but the structure is not yet established, however we are in the process of rebuilding it through our Alumni association. Just as my journey in this organization, it was never that easy but it is worthIts been 10 years since I started as an applicant. I got hurt, had fun, loved and forgave and still attest to the time that my commitment to this family is growing. In whatever way I can be of help, I will certainly give it. They are even a part of my dreams. I admit that I also have my downfall in terms of my attitude but just as Jesus thought us, we shall strive to meet His high standards. And I believe that serving in this family will lead me to that Holiness.

Same way in business, I am currently living in mediocrity and I want to change it. This can also be a form of service, service to the whole country by giving it hope and chance to be better. I am not used to being mediocre, I know that I live my life the best way I can and I maximize everything. I submit to the Lord to lead me where I should be and how I can be of service to my immediate family, my MITSCA and MITASCA, my business community and to the whole Filipino people.

I think I can start it again with managing my time to make the most out of it without any whining. Ill start from here and hope to uplift my standard again and live life to the fullest.

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